6 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions

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It’s that time of year again! The stress of the holiday season is waning and after a long year, we are all ready for the clock to strike midnight and a fresh start to lay ahead of us. I personally love making New Year’s Resolutions. I really just love goal-setting in general. It’s fun to think about the person you want to be and plan out the steps to get there. I really think literally anyone can accomplish literally anything if they go about it the right way.

While I love setting resolutions, lots of people don’t enjoy it quite so much. Some people say calling it a New Year’s Resolution jinxes it and ensures you won’t accomplish it (so like, hello, call it something else!). Some people just don’t want to put forth the effort (not my kind of people, bye!). It isn’t always easy to reflect on what we need to improve within our own selves or lives, but it is so beneficial!

However you feel about New Year’s Resolutions, goal-setting is an important part of self-improvement. Accomplishing a goal, large or small, can be so fulfilling, and keeping the promises you make to yourself is the best way to build confidence. Here are my personal tips to make sure that your goals don’t go unrealized.

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  1. Have a plan

The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan. It’s important to set your goals properly if you ever want to actually achieve them. You have to know what you want, when you want it, and how you’re going to get there. We’ve all heard of SMART goals, and they are by far the best way to plan and set goals. In case you needed a refresher, here is what the acronym stands for:

  • Specific- Your goal is direct and detailed.

  • Measurable- Your goal is quantifiable to track progress or success.

  • Attainable- Your goal is realistic and you have the tools and resources to attain it.

  • Relevant- Your goal aligns with your purpose.

  • Time-based- Your goal has a deadline.

These totally seem like “duh” kind of details, but without taking the time to define the basic parameters, you won’t get anywhere. Once those points are outlined, you can break it down into smaller steps that you can follow until your goal is reached. If you do all of the “thought work” ahead of time, you can knock out the action steps a lot easier!

2. Make it fun

This one really depends on your goal, but get creative and figure out a way to make the steps toward your goal fun and enticing. For example, if your goal is to get your butt to your barre class more often, buying yourself a couple of cute workout outfits might motivate you and make you feel more confident in class. If your goal is to go for a walk every night, find a podcast you love or an audio book that you will only listen to while on your walks. If your goal will take some time, buy a pretty planner and fun pens, or make a diagram to fill in as you chart your progress. The key is to add an element that makes the process a little more enjoyable.

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3. Get an accountability partner (or don’t!)

This tip can go either way, depending on your personality. Some people feel more accountable outwardly, and some feel more accountable inwardly. Sometimes it can really help to have another person with a similar goal that you can work together with, like a gym buddy or a mastermind group. These people will keep you motivated towards your goal because they understand exactly what you’re dealing with. They may encourage you when you’re feeling like you can’t get there, or you may feel competitive with them and not want to fall behind.

For others, outside influences create unnecesary pressure or distractions. In that case, I would suggest keeping your goals and plans internal, but making sure to have regular check-ins with yourself. Try a journal, a planner, or sticky notes with motivational reminders on your bedroom mirror or car dashboard. No need to blast your progress to others, just put your head down and get it done!

Personally, I have found I am more inwardly motivated. If you aren’t sure, try different things until you figure out what works best for you!

4. Set yourself up for success

Achieving your goals is always hard work, but you can make it as easy on yourself as possible. Automate as many pieces of your goal procedure as possible and set up habits to automate your own actions. For example, if your goal involves saving money, set up your direct deposit so that a percentage of every paycheck goes into a savings account. If your goal involves working out early in the morning, set out your workout clothes and have your workout planned the night before so that you don’t have to think about anything in the morning.

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5. Reward yourself

Sometimes goals can be daunting and, while necessary, not exactly the most rewarding. If a “prize” isn’t already built in to your goal, make up a reward to give yourself when you reach your goal or certain checkpoints to motivate yourself to stay on track. For example, get yourself a new jeans when you reach a certain milestone of a weight loss goal, or upgrade equipment when you’ve put in a certain amount of hours in practice. Sometimes I hold off on some random thing I really want until I reach a goal milestone, but bonus points if you can make the checkpoint rewards things that will help you reach the goal in question.

6. Do yourself a favor

The best reward of all is how you will feel when your goal is accomplished. Remind yourself how your future self will feel if you start being consistent with your goal progress now instead of later. Picture yourself at the end of your plan, with your achievement completed. How will you feel? How will you react? Any time you start to slip off track, think about how grateful your future self will be to you for making better choices right now and immerse yourself in that feeling of accomplishment and relief.

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In the end, you are the only one who can push yourself to achieve your goals, but I hope these tips help you stay focused and motivated. Have you used SMART goals before? Will you try any of these strategies? Leave a comment and let me know what goal you are trying to reach in the new year! Good luck, everyone!
