15 Positive Journaling Prompts


Writing has always been an important part of my life. There were times in my life when I wrote less and when I wrote often, and I felt so much more connected to myself when I was writing intentionally. Especially journaling my own thoughts and feelings, and especially when I was upset, letting everything in my head spill onto paper without regard for syntax or form made such a difference. After putting ink to paper, I was able to organize my thoughts more clearly and figure things out better.

Writing when I feel perfectly fine has always been much more difficult. If I even do get myself to sit down to write, I’ll journal the things I did that day, dip into the minor annoyances, and negative thoughts would start flowing, even though I’d started in a good mood. I do make an effort to stay positive and optimistic, so having my good days dragged down by something that usually made my days better was not ideal. I pulled together this list of mostly positive journal prompts so that I could start writing from a good place and stay in that good place.

  1. What character traits do I want to possess, and when is something I can start doing today to embody each trait?

  2. When I wake up in the morning, how exactly do I want to feel? What are things I can do to help me feel that way? 

  3. What does my ideal day look like, from morning to night? / My favorite way to spend the day is…

  4. What do I need to let go of right now?

  5. Write down a few little memories from this week that made you smile that you would have otherwise forgotten.

  6. What are 10 positive things about my life?

  7. Make a list of 20 small, daily things that bring me genuine joy. / Make a list of 30 things that make you smile.

  8. Write out 15 positive affirmations to remind myself of daily.

  9. What do I want my life to look like in 3 years?

  10. I feel most energized when…

  11. Describe a recent compliment or bit of positive feedback that was meaningful to me.

  12. Write down 5 things I love about this time in my life.

  13. What are my current short-term goals? What are a few long-term goals?

  14. What makes life feel less complicated? How can I simplify my life right now?

  15. What energy do I want to put out into the world? How can I make sure I’m emitting that energy every day?

Do you find journaling helpful? It helps me so much and I love having a list I can pull from to get me started when I’m stuck. Do you have any “go to” prompts for when you don’t know how to start? Leave your favorites in the comments so we can all add to our lists!
