Updated Vision Board 2022

In 2020, I put together my first vision board at the start of the new year. It turned out so beautifully, I decided to keep the tradition going every January and this is now the third vision board I’ve made. Goals and dreams evolve with us, so why shouldn’t my vision board evolve, too? I’ve been using my vision boards as the front pages of my scrapbook for each year (yes, I still scrapbook— does anyone else?) I think it’s a fun way to “display” my memento and see what I was hoping for and working towards any time I look back on that year.

To see how I created my vision board, check out my post from when I made my first one in 2020. Comparing my previous vision boards to this year’s, its clear that while lots of things are exactly the same, many things in my life have evolved a lot. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and experience continually gives us new perspectives. While my day-to-day life and goals are a little different, my end goals are still the same, and knowing that i have that defined clarity gives me the confidence to keep pushing forward.